On-Site Fishing Pole

  1. 1 Product Overview
  2. 2 Rate & Location
  3. 3 Review & Reserve


Fishing pole rental includes a fully rigged 8' rod set up specifically for trolling at Bear Lake. The reel features heavy leaded line to keep the lure at depth while trolling and a line counter to know how much line you have let out. Also included with the rental is a tackle box with various trolling lures, extra line, and a net. Any lost lures or line will be charged for.
Fishing pole rental includes a fully rigged 8' rod set up specifically for trolling at Bear Lake. The reel features heavy leaded line to keep the lure at depth while trolling and a line counter to know how much line you have let out. Also included with the rental is a tackle box with various trolling lures, extra line, and a net. Any lost lures or line will be charged for.